The Different Between Session With Cookie

The different between Session with Cookie Session Session can store any type of data because the value is of data type of “object” These are stored at server side. Sessions are secured because it is stored in binary format/encrypted form and gets decrypted at server. Session is independent for every client i.e. individual for every client. There …


CPython FFmpeg calls python Depends ffmpeg needs to dynamically compile (or python programs need to be statically compiled, it’s difficult) python program needs to call cpython interface Example docker images python programs debug

Zip Picture With Python

Zip Picture With Python 1from PIL import Image 2import sys 3def gipit(pname): 4 with as im: 5'.jpeg', 'jpeg', progressive=True, optimize=True) 6if __name__ == '__main__': 7 _, pname = sys.argv 8 gipit(pname)

Flask Logger

Flask Logger Flask logging 使用 Flask 时,如何优雅的输出日志。这些日志也许需要特定的格式,更丰富的信息,或者添加一些上下文的信息(如当前登录的用户名)等等。 根据官方文档

Get Wlan Password

Get Wlan Password 如何获取你知道/不知道的 wifi 密码 本文仅限于学习,请勿用于非法用途 否则后果作者概不负责 获取链接过的 wifi 密码 Windows: 管理员运行: 1for /f "skip=9 tokens=1,2 delims=:" %i in ('netsh wlan show profiles') do @echo